Displaying similar documents to “Algebraic theories and varieties of functor algebras”

Free algebras in varieties

Jan Pavlík (2010)

Archivum Mathematicum


We define varieties of algebras for an arbitrary endofunctor on a cocomplete category using pairs of natural transformations. This approach is proved to be equivalent to one of equational classes defined by equation arrows. Free algebras in the varieties are investigated and their existence is proved under the assumptions of accessibility.

Generalization of the concept of variety and quasivariety to partial algebras through category theory

H. Andréka, I. Németi


CONTENTSIntroduction ................................................................................................5§1. The purely category theoretical version of Birkhoff's theorem................7§2. Category theoretical study of generalized identities............................19§3. Generalized identities in partial algebras.............................................29§4. Calculus...............................................................................................41§5....