Displaying similar documents to “An application of games to the completeness problem for formalized theories”

An axiomatization of the aspiration core

Hans Keiding (2006)

Banach Center Publications


The aspiration core of a TU game was introduced by Bennett [1] as a payoff vector which is undominated and achievable in the sense that each player belongs to a coalition which can obtain the specified payoff for its members, and which minimizes the distance to the set of aggregate feasible payoffs among all such payoff vectors. In the paper a set of axioms is proposed which characterize the aspiration core, which may be considered as an extension of the core to a much larger set of...

On knowledge games.

J. M. Lasry, J. M. Morel, S. Solimini (1989)

Revista Matemática de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid


We give a formalization of the ?knowledge games? which allows to study their decidability and convergence as a problem of mathematics. Our approach is based on a metalemma analogous to those of Von Neumann and Morgenstern at the beginning of Game Theory. We are led to definitions which characterize the knowledge games as objects is standard set theory. We then study rigorously the most classical knowledge games and, although we also prove that the ?common knowledge? in these games may...

New axiomatizations of values of TU-games using reduction properties

Andrzej Młodak (2013)

Applicationes Mathematicae


We propose new axiomatizations of values of cooperative games where traditional properties connected with special players (dummy, null or zero) are replaced with weaker properties relating to such participants of the game. We assume that the change of payoff of a player when combining the game with another game where this player is special is constant. Using such axioms with an additional assumption that a value is odd and-if necessary-the fairness axioms holds, one can obtain axiomatizations...