Displaying similar documents to “Banach spaces of Lipschitz functions”

Real-linear isometries between certain subspaces of continuous functions

Arya Jamshidi, Fereshteh Sady (2013)

Open Mathematics


In this paper we first consider a real-linear isometry T from a certain subspace A of C(X) (endowed with supremum norm) into C(Y) where X and Y are compact Hausdorff spaces and give a result concerning the description of T whenever A is a uniform algebra on X. The result is improved for the case where T(A) is, in addition, a complex subspace of C(Y). We also give a similar description for the case where A is a function space on X and the range of T is a real subspace of C(Y) satisfying...

A note on Lipschitz isomorphisms in Hilbert spaces

Dean Ives (2010)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


We show that the following well-known open problems on existence of Lipschitz isomorphisms between subsets of Hilbert spaces are equivalent: Are balls isomorphic to spheres? Is the whole space isomorphic to the half space?

Bi-Lipschitz trivialization of the distance function to a stratum of a stratification

Adam Parusiński (2005)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


Given a Lipschitz stratification 𝒳 that additionally satisfies condition (δ) of Bekka-Trotman (for instance any Lipschitz stratification of a subanalytic set), we show that for every stratum N of 𝒳 the distance function to N is locally bi-Lipschitz trivial along N. The trivialization is obtained by integration of a Lipschitz vector field.