Centered operators
Bernard Morrel, Paul Muhly (1974)
Studia Mathematica
Bernard Morrel, Paul Muhly (1974)
Studia Mathematica
Vasile Lauric (2018)
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
The question whether a hyponormal weighted shift with trace class self-commutator is the compression modulo the Hilbert-Schmidt class of a normal operator, remains open. It is natural to ask whether Putinar's construction through which he proved that hyponormal operators are subscalar operators provides the answer to the above question. We show that the normal extension provided by Putinar's theory does not lead to the extension that would provide a positive answer to the question. ...
Mohammed Hichem Mortad (2011)
Colloquium Mathematicae
We present a new approach to the question of when the commutativity of operator exponentials implies that of the operators. This is proved in the setting of bounded normal operators on a complex Hilbert space. The proofs are based on some results on similarities by Berberian and Embry as well as the celebrated Fuglede theorem.
Stochel, Jan, Szafraniec, F.H. (1994)
Portugaliae Mathematica
G. Greiner, W. Ricker (1995)
Studia Mathematica
The relationship between the joint spectrum γ(A) of an n-tuple of selfadjoint operators and the support of the corresponding Weyl calculus T(A) : f ↦ f(A) is discussed. It is shown that one always has γ(A) ⊂ supp (T(A)). Moreover, when the operators are compact, equality occurs if and only if the operators mutually commute. In the non-commuting case the equality fails badly: While γ(A) is countable, supp(T(A)) has to be an uncountable set. An example is given showing that, for non-compact...
Mecheri, Salah (2005)
Revista Colombiana de Matemáticas
Vladimir Rakočević (2000)
Publications de l'Institut Mathématique
Ameer Athavale (2003)
Studia Mathematica
The Embry conditions are a set of positivity conditions that characterize subnormal operators (on Hilbert spaces) whose theory is closely related to the theory of positive definite functions on the additive semigroup ℕ of non-negative integers. Completely hyperexpansive operators are the negative definite counterpart of subnormal operators. We show that completely hyperexpansive operators are characterized by a set of negativity conditions, which are the natural analog of the Embry conditions...
Zenon J. Jabłoński, Il Bong Jung, Jan Stochel (2006)
Studia Mathematica
The concept of k-step full backward extension for subnormal operators is adapted to the context of completely hyperexpansive operators. The question of existence of k-step full backward extension is solved within this class of operators with the help of an operator version of the Levy-Khinchin formula. Some new phenomena in comparison with subnormal operators are found and related classes of operators are discussed as well.
Szymon Peszat (1992)
Studia Mathematica
Sufficient and necessary conditions for equivalence of the distributions of the solutions of some linear stochastic equations in Hilbert spaces are given. Some facts in the theory of perturbations of semigroup generators and Zabczyk's results on law equivalence are used.
S. D. Sharma, Romesh Kumar (2000)
Extracta Mathematicae
Lauric, Vasile (2008)
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
C. Benhida, E. H. Zerouali (2009)
Studia Mathematica
Let R and S be two operators on a Hilbert space. We discuss the link between the subscalarity of RS and SR. As an application, we show that backward Aluthge iterates of hyponormal operators and p-quasihyponormal operators are subscalar.
Messirdi, Bekkai, Mortad, Mohammed Hichem (2008)
Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis [electronic only]
Diagana, Toka (2005)
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences