Displaying similar documents to “The catenary degree of Krull monoids I”

Factorization in Krull monoids with infinite class group

Florian Kainrath (1999)

Colloquium Mathematicae


Let H be a Krull monoid with infinite class group and such that each divisor class of H contains a prime divisor. We show that for each finite set L of integers ≥2 there exists some h ∈ H such that the following are equivalent: (i) h has a representation h = u 1 · . . . · u k for some irreducible elements u i , (ii) k ∈ L.

On ergodicity of some cylinder flows

Krzysztof Frączek (2000)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


We study ergodicity of cylinder flows of the form    T f : T × T × , T f ( x , y ) = ( x + α , y + f ( x ) ) , where f : T is a measurable cocycle with zero integral. We show a new class of smooth ergodic cocycles. Let k be a natural number and let f be a function such that D k f is piecewise absolutely continuous (but not continuous) with zero sum of jumps. We show that if the points of discontinuity of D k f have some good properties, then T f is ergodic. Moreover, there exists ε f > 0 such that if v : T is a function with zero integral such that D k v is of bounded...

Parametrized Cichoń's diagram and small sets

Janusz Pawlikowski, Ireneusz Recław (1995)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


We parametrize Cichoń’s diagram and show how cardinals from Cichoń’s diagram yield classes of small sets of reals. For instance, we show that there exist subsets N and M of w w × 2 w and continuous functions e , f : w w w w such that  • N is G δ and N x : x w w , the collection of all vertical sections of N, is a basis for the ideal of measure zero subsets of 2 w ;  • M is F σ and M x : x w w is a basis for the ideal of meager subsets of 2 w ;  • x , y N e ( x ) N y M x M f ( y ) . From this we derive that for a separable metric space X,  •if for all Borel (resp. G δ ) sets...

On B 2 k -sequences

Martin Helm (1993)

Acta Arithmetica


Introduction. An old conjecture of P. Erdős repeated many times with a prize offer states that the counting function A(n) of a B r -sequence A satisfies l i m i n f n ( A ( n ) / ( n 1 / r ) ) = 0 . The conjecture was proved for r=2 by P. Erdős himself (see [5]) and in the cases r=4 and r=6 by J. C. M. Nash in [4] and by Xing-De Jia in [2] respectively. A very interesting proof of the conjecture in the case of all even r=2k by Xing-De Jia is to appear in the Journal of Number Theory [3]. Here we present a different, very short proof...

Analytic determinacy and 0# A forcing-free proof of Harrington’s theorem

Ramez Sami (1999)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


We prove the following theorem: Given a⊆ω and 1 α < ω 1 C K , if for some η < 1 and all u ∈ WO of length η, a is Σ α 0 ( u ) , then a is Σ α 0 . We use this result to give a new, forcing-free, proof of Leo Harrington’s theorem: Σ 1 1 -Turing-determinacy implies the existence of 0 .

Bing maps and finite-dimensional maps

Michael Levin (1996)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


Let X and Y be compacta and let f:X → Y be a k-dimensional map. In [5] Pasynkov stated that if Y is finite-dimensional then there exists a map g : X 𝕀 k such that dim (f × g) = 0. The problem that we deal with in this note is whether or not the restriction on the dimension of Y in the Pasynkov theorem can be omitted. This problem is still open.  Without assuming that Y is finite-dimensional Sternfeld [6] proved that there exists a map g : X 𝕀 k such that dim (f × g) = 1. We improve this result of Sternfeld...

Inessentiality with respect to subspaces

Michael Levin (1995)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


Let X be a compactum and let A = ( A i , B i ) : i = 1 , 2 , . . . be a countable family of pairs of disjoint subsets of X. Then A is said to be essential on Y ⊂ X if for every closed F i separating A i and B i the intersection ( F i ) Y is not empty. So A is inessential on Y if there exist closed F i separating A i and B i such that F i does not intersect Y. Properties of inessentiality are studied and applied to prove:  Theorem. For every countable family of pairs of disjoint open subsets of a compactum X there exists an open set G ∩ X on...

A note on Tsirelson type ideals

Boban Veličković (1999)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


Using Tsirelson’s well-known example of a Banach space which does not contain a copy of c 0 or l p , for p ≥ 1, we construct a simple Borel ideal I T such that the Borel cardinalities of the quotient spaces P ( ) / I T and P ( ) / I 0 are incomparable, where I 0 is the summable ideal of all sets A ⊆ ℕ such that n A 1 / ( n + 1 ) < . This disproves a “trichotomy” conjecture for Borel ideals proposed by Kechris and Mazur.

On the restricted Waring problem over 2 n [ t ]

Luis Gallardo (2000)

Acta Arithmetica


1. Introduction. The Waring problem for polynomial cubes over a finite field F of characteristic 2 consists in finding the minimal integer m ≥ 0 such that every sum of cubes in F[t] is a sum of m cubes. It is known that for F distinct from ₂, ₄, 16 , each polynomial in F[t] is a sum of three cubes of polynomials (see [3]). If a polynomial P ∈ F[t] is a sum of n cubes of polynomials in F[t] such that each cube A³ appearing in the decomposition has degree < deg(P)+3, we say that P is...

A problem of Galambos on Engel expansions

Jun Wu (2000)

Acta Arithmetica


1. Introduction. Given x in (0,1], let x = [d₁(x),d₂(x),...] denote the Engel expansion of x, that is, (1) x = 1 / d ( x ) + 1 / ( d ( x ) d ( x ) ) + . . . + 1 / ( d ( x ) d ( x ) . . . d n ( x ) ) + . . . , where d j ( x ) , j 1 is a sequence of positive integers satisfying d₁(x) ≥ 2 and d j + 1 ( x ) d j ( x ) for j ≥ 1. (See [3].) In [3], János Galambos proved that for almost all x ∈ (0,1], (2) l i m n d n 1 / n ( x ) = e . He conjectured ([3], P132) that the Hausdorff dimension of the set where (2) fails is one. In this paper, we prove this conjecture: Theorem. d i m H x ( 0 , 1 ] : ( 2 ) f a i l s = 1 . We use L¹ to denote the one-dimensional Lebesgue measure on (0,1] and d i m H to denote...