Mathematical problems in geophysical wave propagation.
Papanicolaou, George (1998)
Documenta Mathematica
Papanicolaou, George (1998)
Documenta Mathematica
Khèkalo, S.P. (2005)
Zapiski Nauchnykh Seminarov POMI
Bhatti, Zahid Rafiq, Durrani, Ijaz-Ur-Rahman (2001)
Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. Second Series
R. Seiler (1973)
Recherche Coopérative sur Programme n°25
Kristóf Kály-Kullai, András Volford, Henrik Farkas (2003)
Banach Center Publications
Excitation wave propagation in a heterogeneous medium around a circular obstacle is investigated, when the obstacle is located very eccentrically with respect to the interfacial circle separating the slow inner and the fast outer region. Qualitative properties of the permanent wave fronts are described, and the calculated wave forms are presented.
Vlastislav Červený, Jaromír Janský (1967)
Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Mathematica et Physica
Z. Godziński, L. Stasierski (1972)
Applicationes Mathematicae
Wiryanto, L.H. (2005)
Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. Second Series
Pudjaprasetya, S.R., Chendra, H.D. (2009)
Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. Second Series
Sergiù Klainerman, Damiano Foschi (1999)
Journées équations aux dérivées partielles
I will start with a short review of the classical restriction theorem for the sphere and Strichartz estimates for the wave equation. I then plan to give a detailed presentation of their recent generalizations in the form of “Bilinear Estimates”. In addition to the theory, which is now quite well developed, I plan to discuss a more general point of view concerning the theory. By investigating simple examples I will derive necessary conditions for such estimates to be true. I also...
Igor Rodnianski (2005-2006)
Séminaire Bourbaki
The paper provides a description of the wave map problem with a specific focus on the breakthrough work of T. Tao which showed that a wave map, a dynamic lorentzian analog of a harmonic map, from Minkowski space into a sphere with smooth initial data and a small critical Sobolev norm exists globally in time and remains smooth. When the dimension of the base Minkowski space is , the critical norm coincides with energy, the only manifestly conserved quantity in this (lagrangian) theory....
Zhou, Jiangbo, Tian, Lixin (2009)
Mathematical Problems in Engineering