Displaying similar documents to “Nonexistence of graphs with cyclic defect.”

Heavy Subgraph Conditions for Longest Cycles to Be Heavy in Graphs

Binlong Lia, Shenggui Zhang (2016)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory


Let G be a graph on n vertices. A vertex of G with degree at least n/2 is called a heavy vertex, and a cycle of G which contains all the heavy vertices of G is called a heavy cycle. In this note, we characterize graphs which contain no heavy cycles. For a given graph H, we say that G is H-heavy if every induced subgraph of G isomorphic to H contains two nonadjacent vertices with degree sum at least n. We find all the connected graphs S such that a 2-connected graph G being S-heavy implies...

Characterization of 2 -minimally nonouterplanar join graphs

D. G. Akka, J. K. Bano (2001)

Mathematica Bohemica


In this paper, we present characterizations of pairs of graphs whose join graphs are 2-minimally nonouterplanar. In addition, we present a characterization of pairs of graphs whose join graphs are 2-minimally nonouterplanar in terms of forbidden subgraphs.

Large Degree Vertices in Longest Cycles of Graphs, I

Binlong Li, Liming Xiong, Jun Yin (2016)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory


In this paper, we consider the least integer d such that every longest cycle of a k-connected graph of order n (and of independent number α) contains all vertices of degree at least d.