Displaying similar documents to “Some gregarious cycle decompositions of complete equipartite graphs.”

Decomposition of Complete Multigraphs Into Stars and Cycles

Fairouz Beggas, Mohammed Haddad, Hamamache Kheddouci (2015)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory


Let k be a positive integer, Sk and Ck denote, respectively, a star and a cycle of k edges. λKn is the usual notation for the complete multigraph on n vertices and in which every edge is taken λ times. In this paper, we investigate necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of the decomposition of λKn into edges disjoint of stars Sk’s and cycles Ck’s.

A Note on a Broken-Cycle Theorem for Hypergraphs

Martin Trinks (2014)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory


Whitney’s Broken-cycle Theorem states the chromatic polynomial of a graph as a sum over special edge subsets. We give a definition of cycles in hypergraphs that preserves the statement of the theorem there

Edge cycle extendable graphs

Terry A. McKee (2012)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory


A graph is edge cycle extendable if every cycle C that is formed from edges and one chord of a larger cycle C⁺ is also formed from edges and one chord of a cycle C' of length one greater than C with V(C') ⊆ V(C⁺). Edge cycle extendable graphs are characterized by every block being either chordal (every nontriangular cycle has a chord) or chordless (no nontriangular cycle has a chord); equivalently, every chord of a cycle of length five or more has a noncrossing chord.