Displaying similar documents to “Optimal control of HIV dynamic using embedding method.”

Optimal Control of a Cancer Cell Model with Delay

C. Collins, K.R. Fister, M. Williams (2010)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena


In this paper, we look at a model depicting the relationship of cancer cells in different development stages with immune cells and a cell cycle specific chemotherapy drug. The model includes a constant delay in the mitotic phase. By applying optimal control theory, we seek to minimize the cost associated with the chemotherapy drug and to minimize the number of tumor cells. Global existence of a solution has been shown for this model and ...

Delay Dynamics of Cancer and Immune Cell Model

D. Adongo, K.R. Fister (2012)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena


We investigate optimal control of a cancer-immune cell interactive model with delay in the interphase compartment. By applying the optimal control theory, we seek to minimize the cost associated with the chemotherapy drug, minimize the accumulation of cancer cells, and increase the immune cell presence. Optimality conditions and characterization of the control are provided. Numerical analyses are given to enhance the understanding of the ...

An optimal control approach to cancer treatment under immunological activity

Urszula Ledzewicz, Mohammad Naghnaeian, Heinz Schättler (2011)

Applicationes Mathematicae


Mathematical models for cancer treatment that include immunological activity are considered as an optimal control problem with an objective that is motivated by a separatrix of the uncontrolled system. For various growth models on the cancer cells the existence and optimality of singular controls is investigated. For a Gompertzian growth function a synthesis of controls that move the state into the region of attraction of a benign equilibrium point is developed.

Different models of chemotherapy taking into account drug resistance stemming from gene amplification

Jarosław Śmieja, Andrzej Świerniak (2003)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science


This paper presents an analysis of some class of bilinear systems that can be applied to biomedical modelling. It combines models that have been studied separately so far, taking into account both the phenomenon of gene amplification and multidrug chemotherapy in their different aspects. The mathematical description is given by an infinite dimensional state equation with a system matrix whose form allows decomposing the model into two interacting subsystems. While the first one, of a...