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International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
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International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
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We study sharp weak-type inequalities for a wide class of Fourier multipliers resulting from modulation of the jumps of Lévy processes. In particular, we obtain optimal estimates for second-order Riesz transforms, which lead to interesting a priori bounds for smooth functions on ℝd. The proofs rest on probabilistic methods: we deduce the above inequalities from the corresponding estimates for martingales. To obtain the lower bounds, we exploit the properties of laminates, important probability...
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Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Mathematica
In the present paper, we study in the harmonic analysis associated to the Weinstein operator, the boundedness on Lp of the uncentered maximal function. First, we establish estimates for the Weinstein translation of characteristic function of a closed ball with radius ε centered at 0 on the upper half space Rd-1× ]0,+∞[. Second, we prove weak-type L1-estimates for the uncentered maximal function associated with the Weinstein operator and we obtain the Lp-boundedness of this operator for...
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International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences