Displaying similar documents to “A modal synthesis method for the elastoacoustic vibration problem”

Analysis of a coupled BEM/FEM eigensolver for the hydroelastic vibrations problem

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ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique


A coupled finite/boundary element method to approximate the free vibration modes of an elastic structure containing an incompressible fluid is analyzed in this paper. The effect of the fluid is taken into account by means of one of the most usual procedures in engineering practice: an added mass formulation, which is posed in terms of boundary integral equations. Piecewise linear continuous elements are used to discretize the solid displacements and the fluid-solid interface variables....

Regularization of an unilateral obstacle problem

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ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique


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Multicomponent flow in a porous medium. Adsorption and Soret effect phenomena : local study and upscaling process

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ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique


Our aim here is to study the thermal diffusion phenomenon in a forced convective flow. A system of nonlinear parabolic equations governs the evolution of the mass fractions in multicomponent mixtures. Some existence and uniqueness results are given under suitable conditions on state functions. Then, we present a numerical scheme based on a “mixed finite element” method adapted to a finite volume scheme, of which we give numerical analysis. In a last part, we apply an homogenization technique...

Finite element approximation of a contact vector eigenvalue problem

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We consider a nonstandard elliptic eigenvalue problem of second order on a two-component domain consisting of two intervals with a contact point. The interaction between the two domains is expressed through a coupling condition of nonlocal type, more specifically, in integral form. The problem under consideration is first stated in its variational form and next interpreted as a second-order differential eigenvalue problem. The aim is to set up a finite element method for this problem....

On the worst scenario method: a modified convergence theorem and its application to an uncertain differential equation

Petr Harasim (2008)

Applications of Mathematics


We propose a theoretical framework for solving a class of worst scenario problems. The existence of the worst scenario is proved through the convergence of a sequence of approximate worst scenarios. The main convergence theorem modifies and corrects the relevant results already published in literature. The theoretical framework is applied to a particular problem with an uncertain boundary value problem for a nonlinear ordinary differential equation with an uncertain coefficient. ...