Displaying similar documents to “Mechanical oscillators described by a system of differential-algebraic equations”

Rate independent Kurzweil processes

Pavel Krejčí, Matthias Liero (2009)

Applications of Mathematics


The Kurzweil integral technique is applied to a class of rate independent processes with convex energy and discontinuous inputs. We prove existence, uniqueness, and continuous data dependence of solutions in B V spaces. It is shown that in the context of elastoplasticity, the Kurzweil solutions coincide with natural limits of viscous regularizations when the viscosity coefficient tends to zero. The discontinuities produce an additional positive dissipation term, which is not homogeneous...

Convergence of a Lagrange-Galerkin method for a fluid-rigid body system in ALE formulation

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ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis


We propose a numerical scheme to compute the motion of a two-dimensional rigid body in a viscous fluid. Our method combines the method of characteristics with a finite element approximation to solve an ALE formulation of the problem. We derive error estimates implying the convergence of the scheme.

Lattice points in some special three-dimensional convex bodies with points of Gaussian curvature zero at the boundary

Ekkehard Krätzel (2002)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


We investigate the number of lattice points in special three-dimensional convex bodies. They are called convex bodies of pseudo revolution, because we have in one special case a body of revolution and in another case even a super sphere. These bodies have lines at the boundary, where all points have Gaussian curvature zero. We consider the influence of these points to the lattice rest in the asymptotic representation of the number of lattice points.

Mechanical oscillators with dampers defined by implicit constitutive relations

Dalibor Pražák, Kumbakonam R. Rajagopal (2016)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


We study the vibrations of lumped parameter systems, the spring being defined by the classical linear constitutive relationship between the spring force and the elongation while the dashpot is described by a general implicit relationship between the damping force and the velocity. We prove global existence of solutions for the governing equations, and discuss conditions that the implicit relation satisfies that are sufficient for the uniqueness of solutions. We also present some counterexamples...