Displaying similar documents to “The existence of limit cycle for perturbed bilinear systems”

A sample-time adjusted feedback for robust bounded output stabilization

Patricio Ordaz, Hussain Alazki, Alexander Poznyak (2013)



This paper deals with a bounded control design for a class of nonlinear systems where the mathematical model may be not explicitly given. This class of uncertain nonlinear systems governed by a system of ODE with quasi-Lipschitz right-hand side and containing external perturbations as well. The Attractive Ellipsoid Method (AEM) application permits to describe the class of nonlinear feedbacks (containing a nonlinear projection operator, a linear state estimator and a feedback matrix-gain)...

On the number of abelian groups of a given order (supplement)

Hong-Quan Liu (1993)

Acta Arithmetica


1. Introduction. The aim of this paper is to supply a still better result for the problem considered in [2]. Let A(x) denote the number of distinct abelian groups (up to isomorphism) of orders not exceeding x. We shall prove Theorem 1. For any ε > 0, A ( x ) = C x + C x 1 / 2 + C x 1 / 3 + O ( x 50 / 199 + ε ) , where C₁, C₂ and C₃ are constants given on page 261 of [2]. Note that 50/199=0.25125..., thus improving our previous exponent 40/159=0.25157... obtained in [2]. To prove Theorem 1, we shall proceed along the line of approach presented...

Attitude observer-based robust control for a twin rotor system

Oscar Salas, Herman Castañeda, Jesús De León-Morales (2013)



In this paper, an angular tracking control based on adaptive super twisting algorithm (ASTA) for a Twin Rotor System is presented. With the aim of implementing the ASTA control and taking into consideration the difficulties of measuring some of its states, a Nonlinear Extended State Observer (NESO) is employed to estimate the vector state and furthermore unmeasured dynamics. This scheme increases robustness against unmodeled dynamics and external disturbance, reducing modeling difficulties...