Displaying similar documents to “Alternative set theory with elementary classes”

Internal and forcing models for the impredicative theory of classes

Rolando Chuaqui


CONTENTSIntroduction............................................................................................................ 5I. Axiom system and elementary consequences........................................... 61. Axioms........................................................................................................................ 62. Definitions and elementary consequences........................................................ 9II. Principles of definitions by recursion..............................................................

Complexity of the axioms of the alternative set theory

Antonín Sochor (1993)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


If is a complete theory stronger than Fin such that axiom of extensionality for classes + + ( X ) Φ i is consistent for 1 i k (each alone), where Φ i are normal formulae then we show + ( X ) Φ 1 + + ( X ) Φ k + scheme of choice is consistent. As a consequence we get: there is no proper Δ 1 -formula in + scheme of choice. Moreover the complexity of the axioms of is studied, e.gẇe show axiom of extensionality is Π 1 -formula, but not Σ 1 -formula and furthermore prolongation axiom, axioms of choice and cardinalities...