Displaying similar documents to “A note on finite sets of terms closed under subterms and unification”

Three-variable equations of posets

Jaroslav Ježek (2002)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


We find an independent base for three-variable equations of posets.

Small idempotent clones. I

Józef Dudek (1998)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


G. Grätzer and A. Kisielewicz devoted one section of their survey paper concerning p n -sequences and free spectra of algebras to the topic “Small idempotent clones” (see Section 6 of [18]). Many authors, e.g., [8], [14, 15], [22], [25] and [29, 30] were interested in p n -sequences of idempotent algebras with small rates of growth. In this paper we continue this topic and characterize all idempotent groupoids ( G , · ) with p 2 ( G , · ) 2 (see Section 7). Such groupoids appear in many papers see, e.g. [1], [4],...