Three-variable equations of posets
Jaroslav Ježek (2002)
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
We find an independent base for three-variable equations of posets.
Jaroslav Ježek (2002)
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
We find an independent base for three-variable equations of posets.
Lidija Goraèinova-Ilieva, Smile Markovski (2007)
Publications de l'Institut Mathématique
Józef Dudek (1998)
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
G. Grätzer and A. Kisielewicz devoted one section of their survey paper concerning -sequences and free spectra of algebras to the topic “Small idempotent clones” (see Section 6 of [18]). Many authors, e.g., [8], [14, 15], [22], [25] and [29, 30] were interested in -sequences of idempotent algebras with small rates of growth. In this paper we continue this topic and characterize all idempotent groupoids with (see Section 7). Such groupoids appear in many papers see, e.g. [1], [4],...
David Stanovský (2008)
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae
We present an elementary proof (purely in equational logic) that distributive groupoids are symmetric-by-medial.