Displaying similar documents to “On the cokernel of the Witt decomposition map”

Hermitian (a,b)-modules and Saito's "higher residue pairings"

Piotr P. Karwasz (2013)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


Following the work of Daniel Barlet [Pitman Res. Notes Math. Ser. 366 (1997), 19-59] and Ridha Belgrade [J. Algebra 245 (2001), 193-224], the aim of this article is to study the existence of (a,b)-hermitian forms on regular (a,b)-modules. We show that every regular (a,b)-module E with a non-degenerate bilinear form can be written in a unique way as a direct sum of (a,b)-modules E i that admit either an (a,b)-hermitian or an (a,b)-anti-hermitian form or both; all three cases are possible,...

FC-modules with an application to cotorsion pairs

Yonghua Guo (2009)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


Let R be a ring. A left R -module M is called an FC-module if M + = Hom ( M , / ) is a flat right R -module. In this paper, some homological properties of FC-modules are given. Let n be a nonnegative integer and ℱ𝒞 n the class of all left R -modules M such that the flat dimension of M + is less than or equal to n . It is shown that ( ( ℱ𝒞 n ) , ℱ𝒞 n ) is a complete cotorsion pair and if R is a ring such that fd ( ( R R ) + ) n and ℱ𝒞 n is closed under direct sums, then ( ℱ𝒞 n , ℱ𝒞 n ) is a perfect cotorsion pair. In particular, some known results are obtained as...

Relatively exact modules

Ladislav Bican (2003)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


Rim and Teply [10] investigated relatively exact modules in connection with the existence of torsionfree covers. In this note we shall study some properties of the lattice τ ( M ) of submodules of a torsionfree module M consisting of all submodules N of M such that M / N is torsionfree and such that every torsionfree homomorphic image of the relative injective hull of M / N is relatively injective. The results obtained are applied to the study of relatively exact covers of torsionfree modules. As...

-cofinitely supplemented modules

H. Çalışıcı, A. Pancar (2004)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


Let R be a ring and M a right R -module. M is called -cofinitely supplemented if every submodule N of M with M N finitely generated has a supplement that is a direct summand of M . In this paper various properties of the -cofinitely supplemented modules are given. It is shown that (1) Arbitrary direct sum of -cofinitely supplemented modules is -cofinitely supplemented. (2) A ring R is semiperfect if and only if every free R -module is -cofinitely supplemented. In addition, if M has the...