Displaying similar documents to “Abstract initiality”

Totality of product completions

Jiří Adámek, Lurdes Sousa, Walter Tholen (2000)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


Categories whose Yoneda embedding has a left adjoint are known as total categories and are characterized by a strong cocompleteness property. We introduce the notion of multitotal category 𝒜 by asking the Yoneda embedding 𝒜 [ 𝒜 o p , 𝒮 e t ] to be right multiadjoint and prove that this property is equivalent to totality of the formal product completion Π 𝒜 of 𝒜 . We also characterize multitotal categories with various types of generators; in particular, the existence of dense generators is inherited by the...

Semantics of MML Query

Grzegorz Bancerek (2012)

Formalized Mathematics


In the paper the semantics of MML Query queries is given. The formalization is done according to [4]

A categorical concept of completion of objects

Guillaume C. L. Brümmer, Eraldo Giuli (1992)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


We introduce the concept of firm classes of morphisms as basis for the axiomatic study of completions of objects in arbitrary categories. Results on objects injective with respect to given morphism classes are included. In a finitely well-complete category, firm classes are precisely the coessential first factors of morphism factorization structures.