Quadrature approximation of one singular integral operator.
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Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics
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Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics
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Banach Center Publications
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Aplikace matematiky
New convergence and rate-of-convergence results are established for two well-known quadrature rules for the numerical evaluation of Cauchy type principal value integrals along a finite interval, namely the Gauss quadrature rule and a similar interpolatory quadrature rule where the same nodes as in the Gauss rule are used. The main result concerns the convergence of the interpolatory rule for functions satisfying the Hölder condition with exponent less or equal to . The results obtained...
Diethelm, Kai, Köhler, Peter (2000)
Journal of Inequalities and Applications [electronic only]
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International Journal of Open Problems in Computer Science and Mathematics. IJOPCM
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Numerische Mathematik
Nilima Nigam, Joel Phillips (2012)
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique
We examine the effect of numerical integration on the accuracy of high order conforming pyramidal finite element methods. Non-smooth shape functions are indispensable to the construction of pyramidal elements, and this means the conventional treatment of numerical integration, which requires that the finite element approximation space is piecewise polynomial, cannot be applied. We develop an analysis that allows the finite element approximation space to include non-smooth functions and...