Displaying similar documents to “MAD families and the rationals”

Almost disjoint families and property (a)

Paul Szeptycki, Jerry Vaughan (1998)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


We consider the question: when does a Ψ-space satisfy property (a)? We show that if | A | < p then the Ψ-space Ψ(A) satisfies property (a), but in some Cohen models the negation of CH holds and every uncountable Ψ-space fails to satisfy property (a). We also show that in a model of Fleissner and Miller there exists a Ψ-space of cardinality p which has property (a). We extend a theorem of Matveev relating the existence of certain closed discrete subsets with the failure of property (a). ...

Around splitting and reaping

Jörg Brendle (1998)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


We prove several results on some cardinal invariants of the continuum which are closely related to either the splitting number 𝔰 or its dual, the reaping number 𝔯 .