Displaying similar documents to “Polynomial growth of sumsets in abelian semigroups”

On the special context of independent sets

Vladimír Slezák (2001)

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications


In this paper the context of independent sets J L p is assigned to the complete lattice (P(M),⊆) of all subsets of a non-empty set M. Some properties of this context, especially the irreducibility and the span, are investigated.

An extension method for t-norms on subintervals to t-norms on bounded lattices

Funda Karaçal, Ümit Ertuğrul, M. Nesibe Kesicioğlu (2019)



In this paper, a construction method on a bounded lattice obtained from a given t-norm on a subinterval of the bounded lattice is presented. The supremum distributivity of the constructed t-norm by the mentioned method is investigated under some special conditions. It is shown by an example that the extended t-norm on L from the t-norm on a subinterval of L need not be a supremum-distributive t-norm. Moreover, some relationships between the mentioned construction method and the other...

Dieudonné-type theorems for lattice group-valued k -triangular set functions

Antonio Boccuto, Xenofon Dimitriou (2019)



Some versions of Dieudonné-type convergence and uniform boundedness theorems are proved, for k -triangular and regular lattice group-valued set functions. We use sliding hump techniques and direct methods. We extend earlier results, proved in the real case. Furthermore, we pose some open problems.

Lattice-inadmissible incidence structures

Frantisek Machala, Vladimír Slezák (2004)

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications


Join-independent and meet-independent sets in complete lattices were defined in [6]. According to [6], to each complete lattice (L,≤) and a cardinal number p one can assign (in a unique way) an incidence structure J L p of independent sets of (L,≤). In this paper some lattice-inadmissible incidence structures are founded, i.e. such incidence structures that are not isomorphic to any incidence structure J L p .

A general differentiation theorem for multiparameter additive processes

Ryotaro Sato (2002)

Colloquium Mathematicae


Let ( L , | | · | | L ) be a Banach lattice of equivalence classes of real-valued measurable functions on a σ-finite measure space and T = T ( u ) : u = ( u , . . . , u d ) , u i > 0 , 1 i d be a strongly continuous locally bounded d-dimensional semigroup of positive linear operators on L. Under suitable conditions on the Banach lattice L we prove a general differentiation theorem for locally bounded d-dimensional processes in L which are additive with respect to the semigroup T.

Hyperreflexivity of bilattices

Kamila Kliś-Garlicka (2016)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


The notion of a bilattice was introduced by Shulman. A bilattice is a subspace analogue for a lattice. In this work the definition of hyperreflexivity for bilattices is given and studied. We give some general results concerning this notion. To a given lattice we can construct the bilattice Σ . Similarly, having a bilattice Σ we may consider the lattice Σ . In this paper we study the relationship between hyperreflexivity of subspace lattices and of their associated bilattices. Some examples...

Annihilators in normal autometrized algebras

Ivan Chajda, Jiří Rachůnek (2001)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


The concepts of an annihilator and a relative annihilator in an autometrized l -algebra are introduced. It is shown that every relative annihilator in a normal autometrized l -algebra 𝒜 is an ideal of 𝒜 and every principal ideal of 𝒜 is an annihilator of 𝒜 . The set of all annihilators of 𝒜 forms a complete lattice. The concept of an I -polar is introduced for every ideal I of 𝒜 . The set of all I -polars is a complete lattice which becomes a two-element chain provided I is prime. The I -polars...

On central atoms of Archimedean atomic lattice effect algebras

Martin Kalina (2010)



If element z of a lattice effect algebra ( E , , 0 , 1 ) is central, then the interval [ 0 , z ] is a lattice effect algebra with the new top element z and with inherited partial binary operation . It is a known fact that if the set C ( E ) of central elements of E is an atomic Boolean algebra and the supremum of all atoms of C ( E ) in E equals to the top element of E , then E is isomorphic to a direct product of irreducible effect algebras ([16]). In [10] Paseka and Riečanová published as open problem whether C ( E ) is...