Displaying similar documents to “Correction to : “Linear fractional transformations of continued fractions with bounded partial quotients””

Arithmetic diophantine approximation for continued fractions-like maps on the interval

Avraham Bourla (2014)

Acta Arithmetica


We establish arithmetical properties and provide essential bounds for bi-sequences of approximation coefficients associated with the natural extension of maps, leading to continued fraction-like expansions. These maps are realized as the fractional part of Möbius transformations which carry the end points of the unit interval to zero and infinity, extending the classical regular and backwards continued fraction expansions.

Continued fractions on the Heisenberg group

Anton Lukyanenko, Joseph Vandehey (2015)

Acta Arithmetica


We provide a generalization of continued fractions to the Heisenberg group. We prove an explicit estimate on the rate of convergence of the infinite continued fraction and several surprising analogs of classical formulas about continued fractions.

Transcendence with Rosen continued fractions

Yann Bugeaud, Pascal Hubert, Thomas A. Schmidt (2013)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


We give the first transcendence results for the Rosen continued fractions. Introduced over half a century ago, these fractions expand real numbers in terms of certain algebraic numbers.

Simple Continued Fractions and Their Convergents

Bo Li, Yan Zhang, Artur Korniłowicz (2006)

Formalized Mathematics


The article introduces simple continued fractions. They are defined as an infinite sequence of integers. The characterization of rational numbers in terms of simple continued fractions is shown. We also give definitions of convergents of continued fractions, and several important properties of simple continued fractions and their convergents.