Displaying similar documents to “Lyapunov measures on effect algebras”

An extension theorem for modular measures on effect algebras

Giuseppina Barbieri (2009)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


We prove an extension theorem for modular measures on lattice ordered effect algebras. This is used to obtain a representation of these measures by the classical ones. With the aid of this theorem we transfer control theorems, Vitali-Hahn-Saks, Nikodým theorems and range theorems to this setting.

Some problems for measures on non-standard algebraic structures

Maria Gabriella Graziano (2000)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana


Nell'ultimo ventennio tutta una serie di lavori è stata rivolta allo studio delle misure su strutture algebriche più generali delle algebre di Boole, come i poset e i reticoli ortomodulari, le effect algebras, le BCK-algebras. La teoria così ottenuta interessa l'analisi funzionale, il calcolo delle probabilità e la topologia, più recentemente la teoria delle decisioni. Si presentano alcuni risultati relativi a misure su strutture algebriche non-standard analizzando, in particolare, gli...

On Dieudonné's Boundedness Theorem

Giuseppina Barbieri (2009)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana


We generalize the classical Dieudonné boundedness theorem for modular measures on lattice ordered effect algebras.

Effect algebras and extensions of measures

Anna Avallone, Anna De Simone, Paolo Vitolo (2006)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana


We investigate the existence of a Caratheodory type extension for modular measures defined on lattice-ordered effect algebras.

Modular atomic effect algebras and the existence of subadditive states

Zdena Riečanová (2004)



Lattice effect algebras generalize orthomodular lattices and M V -algebras. We describe all complete modular atomic effect algebras. This allows us to prove the existence of ordercontinuous subadditive states (probabilities) on them. For the separable noncomplete ones we show that the existence of a faithful probability is equivalent to the condition that their MacNeille complete modular effect algebra.