Displaying similar documents to “Subloops of sedenions”

Commutators and associators in Catalan loops

Jan M. Raasch (2010)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


Various commutators and associators may be defined in one-sided loops. In this paper, we approximate and compare these objects in the left and right loop reducts of a Catalan loop. To within a certain order of approximation, they turn out to be quite symmetrical. Using the general analysis of commutators and associators, we investigate the structure of a specific Catalan loop which is non-commutative, but associative, that appears in the original number-theoretic application of Catalan...

Moufang semidirect products of loops with groups and inverse property extensions

Mark Greer, Lee Raney (2014)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


We investigate loops which can be written as the semidirect product of a loop and a group, and we provide a necessary and sufficient condition for such a loop to be Moufang. We also examine a class of loop extensions which arise as a result of a finite cyclic group acting as a group of semiautomorphisms on an inverse property loop. In particular, we consider closure properties of certain extensions similar to those as in [S. Gagola III, Cyclic extensions of Moufang loops induced by semiautomorphisms,...

Relatives of K-loops: Theory and examples

Hubert Kiechle (2000)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


A or is a Bol loop with the automorphic inverse property. An overview of the most important theorems on K-loops and some of their relatives, especially Kikkawa loops, is given. First, left power alternative loops are discussed, then Kikkawa loops are considered. In particular, their nuclei are determined. Then the attention is paid to general K-loops and some special classes of K-loops such as 2-divisible ones. To construct examples, the method of is introduced. This has been used...