Displaying similar documents to “Internal object actions”

Totality of product completions

Jiří Adámek, Lurdes Sousa, Walter Tholen (2000)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


Categories whose Yoneda embedding has a left adjoint are known as total categories and are characterized by a strong cocompleteness property. We introduce the notion of multitotal category 𝒜 by asking the Yoneda embedding 𝒜 [ 𝒜 o p , 𝒮 e t ] to be right multiadjoint and prove that this property is equivalent to totality of the formal product completion Π 𝒜 of 𝒜 . We also characterize multitotal categories with various types of generators; in particular, the existence of dense generators is inherited by the...