Displaying similar documents to “A martingale control variate method for option pricing with stochastic volatility”

Pricing rules under asymmetric information

Shigeyoshi Ogawa, Monique Pontier (2007)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics


We consider an extension of the Kyle and Back's model [Back, (1992) 387–409; Kyle, (1985) 1315–1335], meaning a model for the market with a continuous time risky asset and asymmetrical information. There are three financial agents: the market maker, an insider trader (who knows a random variable which will be revealed at final time) and a non informed agent. Here we assume that the non informed agent is strategic, namely he/she uses a utility function...

Entropic Conditions and Hedging

Samuel Njoh (2007)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics


In many markets, especially in energy markets, electricity markets for instance, the detention of the physical asset is quite difficult. This is also the case for crude oil as treated by Davis (2000). So one can identify a good proxy which is an asset (financial or physical) (one)whose the spot price is significantly correlated with the spot price of the underlying ( electicity or crude oil). Generally, the market could become incomplete. We explicit exact hedging strategies for exponential...