Development of a Modern Curriculum in Software Engineering at Master Level across Countries
Klaus Bothe, Zoran Budimac, Rebeca Cortazar, Mirjana Ivanović, Hussein Zedan (2009)
Computer Science and Information Systems
Klaus Bothe, Zoran Budimac, Rebeca Cortazar, Mirjana Ivanović, Hussein Zedan (2009)
Computer Science and Information Systems
Hoyles, Celia, Noss, Richard (2011)
Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians
Силия Хойлс, Ричардс Нос - Това представяне е вдъхновено от делото на Сиймър Пепърт и много други от целия свят (включително Джим Капут и наши колеги от България), които са работили и работят в духа на конструкционизма и с които сме имали щастието да си сътрудничим в областта на математическото образование и дигиталните технологии в течение на десетилетия. This presentation takes inspiration from the work of Seymour Papert and many others across the world (including Jim...
Westera, Wim (2010)
Serdica Journal of Computing
This paper is a reflection on the history and future of technology-enhanced learning. Over the last century various new technologies were introduced in education. Often, educational revolutions were proclaimed. Unfortunately, most of these new technologies failed to meet the high expectations. This paper reviews the rise and fall of various "revolutionary" learning technologies and analyses what went wrong. Three main driving factors are identified that influence the educational system:...
Senada Dizdar, Lejla Hajdarpašić (2011)
Review of the National Center for Digitization
Marasheva-Delinova, Ivanka (2010)
Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians
Иванка Марашева-Делинова - В настоящата работа се разглежда избора на тема при разработване на проекти в непрофилирани по математика класове. Посочват се критерии за подбор на тема. Предлагат се примерни теми и източници за разработка, съобразени с възрастовите и индивидуални особености на учениците, както и техните общи и индивидуални интереси. In this paper we examine the choice of a topic for the project work of students who are not in classes with a profile in mathematics....
Carmen Padrón, Juanma Dodero, Paloma Díaz, Ignacio Aedo (2005)
Computer Science and Information Systems
Mícheál Mac an Airchinnigh, Mihal Orela (2011)
Review of the National Center for Digitization
Jin Tan David Yang, Chun-Yen Tsai, Ming Jey Huang (2005)
Computer Science and Information Systems
Yih-Ruey Juang, Tzu-Chien Liu, Tak-Wai Chan (2005)
Computer Science and Information Systems
Yoshinov, Radoslav, Kotseva, Monka (2015)
Serdica Journal of Computing
The Inspiring Science Education project is all about elaborating a learning environment using an inquiry based learning (IBL) approach. The Inspiring Science Education portal as a main part of the environment is the place where a registered user can find (create) eLearning Tools and digital educational resources, which can be used in class and as a place to connect with like-minded teachers and schools around Europe to share experiences and collaborate on projects. On the other hand,...