Displaying similar documents to “On H. Priestley's dual of the category of bounded distributive lattices”

Distributive lattices with a given skeleton

Joanna Grygiel (2004)

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications


We present a construction of finite distributive lattices with a given skeleton. In the case of an H-irreducible skeleton K the construction provides all finite distributive lattices based on K, in particular the minimal one.

Meet-distributive lattices have the intersection property

Henri Mühle (2023)

Mathematica Bohemica


This paper is an erratum of H. Mühle: Distributive lattices have the intersection property, Math. Bohem. (2021). Meet-distributive lattices form an intriguing class of lattices, because they are precisely the lattices obtainable from a closure operator with the so-called anti-exchange property. Moreover, meet-distributive lattices are join semidistributive. Therefore, they admit two natural secondary structures: the core label order is an alternative order on the lattice elements and...

Distributive lattices have the intersection property

Henri Mühle (2021)

Mathematica Bohemica


Distributive lattices form an important, well-behaved class of lattices. They are instances of two larger classes of lattices: congruence-uniform and semidistributive lattices. Congruence-uniform lattices allow for a remarkable second order of their elements: the core label order; semidistributive lattices naturally possess an associated flag simplicial complex: the canonical join complex. In this article we present a characterization of finite distributive lattices in terms of the core...

Formalization of Generalized Almost Distributive Lattices

Adam Grabowski (2014)

Formalized Mathematics


Almost Distributive Lattices (ADL) are structures defined by Swamy and Rao [14] as a common abstraction of some generalizations of the Boolean algebra. In our paper, we deal with a certain further generalization of ADLs, namely the Generalized Almost Distributive Lattices (GADL). Our main aim was to give the formal counterpart of this structure and we succeeded formalizing all items from the Section 3 of Rao et al.’s paper [13]. Essentially among GADLs we can find structures which are...