A generalization of a unit index of Greither
Radan Kučera (1998)
Acta Mathematica et Informatica Universitatis Ostraviensis
Radan Kučera (1998)
Acta Mathematica et Informatica Universitatis Ostraviensis
Michal Bulant (2005)
Mathematica Slovaca
John Myron Masley (1978)
Compositio Mathematica
Michael J. Razar (1977)
Compositio Mathematica
Cornelius Greither (1992)
Annales de l'institut Fourier
This first part of this paper gives a proof of the main conjecture of Iwasawa theory for abelian base fields, including the case , by Kolyvagin’s method of Euler systems. On the way, one obtains a general result on local units modulo circular units. This is then used to deduce theorems on the order of -parts of -class groups of abelian number fields: first for relative class groups of real fields (again including the case ). As a consequence, a generalization of the Gras conjecture...