Two theorems on -Sasakian manifolds.
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International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
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International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
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Open Mathematics
We expound some results about the relationships between the Jacobi operators with respect to null vectors on a Lorentzian S-manifold and the Jacobi operators with respect to particular spacelike unit vectors. We study the number of the eigenvalues of such operators on Lorentzian S-manifolds satisfying the φ-null Osserman condition, under suitable assumptions on the dimension of the manifold. Then, we provide in full generality a new curvature characterization for Lorentzian S-manifolds...
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For Sasakian manifolds, Matsumoto and Chūman [6] defined the contact Bochner curvature tensor (see also Yano [9]). Hasegawa and Nakane [4] and Ikawa and Kon [5] have studied Sasakian manifolds with vanishing contact Bochner curvature tensor. Such manifolds were studied in the theory of submanifolds by Yano ([9] and [10]). In this paper we define an extended contact Bochner curvature tensor in K-contact Riemannian manifolds and call it the E-contact Bochner curvature tensor. Then we show...
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