An analytical formula for throughput of a production line with identical stations and random failures.
Blumenfeld, Dennis E., Li, Jingshan (2005)
Mathematical Problems in Engineering
Blumenfeld, Dennis E., Li, Jingshan (2005)
Mathematical Problems in Engineering
Andreas I. Miaoudakis, Dimitrios I. Stratakis, Emmanouel Antonidakis, Vassilios Zaharopoulos, Radovan Stojanović (2009)
Computer Science and Information Systems
Weld, Christopher, Duarte, Michael, Kincaid, Rex (2010)
Advances in Operations Research
Sayed, Moustafa A., Maksoud, Ehab Y.Abdel (2009)
International Journal of Open Problems in Computer Science and Mathematics. IJOPCM
Asma Melki, Slim Hammadi, Yves Sallez, Thierry Berger, Christian Tahon (2010)
RAIRO - Operations Research
In the last decade, the authorities require the use of safe, comfortable vehicles to assure a door to door aspect with respect of environment in the urban context. In this paper, we propose an advanced approach of transport regulation where we integrate cybercars into a regulation process as an alternative in disruption cases. For that, we propose an ITS architecture including public transportation and cybercars into the same framework. We will show that collaboration between these...
C. Labbé, F. Reblewski, J.-M. Vincent (1998)
RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle
Lim, J.-T. (1996)
Mathematical Problems in Engineering
Sonnenberg, Amnon (2002)
Journal of Theoretical Medicine
Mahjoub Dridi, Imed Kacem (2004)
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
In this paper, we consider a regulation problem of an urban transportation network. From a given timetable, we aim to find a new schedule of multiple vehicles after the detection of a disturbance at a given time. The main objective is to find a solution maximizing the level of service for all passengers. This problem was intensively studied with evolutionary approaches and multi-agent techniques, but without identifying its type before. In this paper, we formulate the problem as a classical...
Ioannis E. Pountourakis (2000)
This paper examines appropriate protocols for high speed multiple access communication systems where the bandwidth is divided into two separate asymmetric channels. Both channels operate using slotted non-persistent CSMA or CSMA/CD techniques. Free stations access the first channel while all retransmissions occur in the second channel. We define the stability regions and the rules for optimal bandwidth allocation among the two channels for improvement of the system performance in case...
Joanna Domańska, Adam Domański, Dariusz Augustyn, Jerzy Klamka (2014)
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science