On the operations over relations in the relational model data with two types of null values.
Pavlović, Gordana M. (1983)
Publications de l'Institut Mathématique. Nouvelle Série
Pavlović, Gordana M. (1983)
Publications de l'Institut Mathématique. Nouvelle Série
Jaume Agustí, Jordi Puigsegur, W. Marco Schorlemmer (1997)
Mathware and Soft Computing
In this article we present a functional specification language based on inclusions between set expressions. Instead of computing with data individuals we deal with their classification into sets. The specification of functions and relations by means of inclusions can be considered as a generalization of the conventional algebraic specification by means of equations. The main aim of this generalization is to facilitate the incremental refinement of specifications. Furthermore, inclusional...
Andrzej Mostowski, Y. Suzuki (1969)
Fundamenta Mathematicae
P. C. Gilmore (1968)
Compositio Mathematica
Leon Henkin (1950)
Fundamenta Mathematicae
Miroslav Mleziva (1975)
Shira Elqayam (2005)
Philosophia Scientiae
Dirk Leinders, Jan Van Den Bussche (2009)
RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications
Codd defined the relational algebra [E.F. Codd, Communications of the ACM 13 (1970) 377–387; E.F. Codd, Relational completeness of data base sublanguages, in Data Base Systems, R. Rustin, Ed., Prentice-Hall (1972) 65–98] as the algebra with operations projection, join, restriction, union and difference. His projection operator can drop, permute and repeat columns of a relation. This permuting and repeating of columns does not really add expressive power to the relational algebra. Indeed,...
Gérard Milhaud, Élisabeth Godbert (1998)
Mathématiques et Sciences Humaines
We present a system providing a set of tools for developing natural language processing (NLP) applications such as natural language interfaces, communication aid systems, etc. This system is based on two principles: modularity of knowledge representation to ensure the portability of the system, and guided sentence composition to ensure transparency, i.e. to ensure that the produced sentences are well-formed at the lexical, syntactic, semantic and conceptual levels. We first describe...