Displaying similar documents to “Some examples of weakly associative lattices”

Derivations and Translations on Trellises

Shashirekha B. Rai, S. Parameshwara Bhatta (2015)

Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica


G. Szász, J. Szendrei, K. Iseki and J. Nieminen have made an extensive study of derivations and translations on lattices. In this paper, the concepts of meet-translations and derivations have been studied in trellises (also called weakly associative lattices or WA-lattices) and several results in lattices are extended to trellises. The main theorem of this paper, namely, that every derivatrion of a trellis is a meet-translation, is proved without using associativity and it generalizes...

Inverses and regularity of disjointness preserving operators

Y. A. Abramovich, A. K. Kitover


A linear operator T: X → Y between vector lattices is said to be disjointness preserving if T sends disjoint elements in X to disjoint elements in Y. Two closely related questions are discussed in this paper: (1) If T is invertible, under what assumptions does the inverse operator also preserve disjointness? (2) Under what assumptions is the operator T regular? These problems were considered by the authors in [5] but the current paper (closely related to [5] but self-contained) reflects...

Representation of uni-nullnorms and null-uninorms on bounded lattices

Yi-Qun Zhang, Ya-Ming Wang, Hua-Wen Liu (2024)



In this paper, we present the representation for uni-nullnorms with disjunctive underlying uninorms on bounded lattices. It is shown that our method can cover the representation of nullnorms on bounded lattices and some of existing construction methods for uni-nullnorms on bounded lattices. Illustrative examples are presented simultaneously. In addition, the representation of null-uninorms with conjunctive underlying uninorms on bounded lattices is obtained dually.