Displaying similar documents to “The superposition of two independent Markov renewal processes”

Accurate calculations of Stationary Distributions and Mean First Passage Times in Markov Renewal Processes and Markov Chains

Jeffrey J. Hunter (2016)

Special Matrices


This article describes an accurate procedure for computing the mean first passage times of a finite irreducible Markov chain and a Markov renewal process. The method is a refinement to the Kohlas, Zeit fur Oper Res, 30, 197–207, (1986) procedure. The technique is numerically stable in that it doesn’t involve subtractions. Algebraic expressions for the special cases of one, two, three and four states are derived.Aconsequence of the procedure is that the stationary distribution of the...

Bottom-up modeling of domestic appliances with Markov chains and semi-Markov processes

Rajmund Drenyovszki, Lóránt Kovács, Kálmán Tornai, András Oláh, István Pintér (2017)



In our paper we investigate the applicability of independent and identically distributed random sequences, first order Markov and higher order Markov chains as well as semi-Markov processes for bottom-up electricity load modeling. We use appliance time series from publicly available data sets containing fine grained power measurements. The comparison of models are based on metrics which are supposed to be important in power systems like Load Factor, Loss of Load Probability. Furthermore,...

On the exchanges between Wolfgang Doeblin and Bohuslav Hostinský

Laurent Mazliak (2007)

Revue d'histoire des mathématiques


We present the letters sent by Wolfgang Doeblin to Bohuslav Hostinský between 1936 and 1938. They concern some aspects of the general theory of Markov chains and the solutions of the Chapman-Kolmogorov equation that Doeblin was then establishing for his PhD thesis.