Displaying similar documents to “Complete and sufficient statistics and perfect families in orthogonal and error orthogonal normal models”

A Gram-Schmidt orthogonalizing process of design matrices in linear models as an estimating procedure of covariance components.

Gabriela Beganu (2005)



Se considera un modelo lineal mixto multivariante equilibrado sin interacción para el que las matrices de las formas cuadráticas necesarias para estimar la covarianza de las componentes se expresan mediante operadores lineales en espacios con producto interior de dimensión finita. El propósito de este artículo es demostrar que las formas cuadráticas obtenidas por el proceso de ortogonalización de Gram-Schmidt de las matrices de diseño son combinaciones lineales de las formas cuadráticas...

Orthogonal models: Algebraic structure and explicit estimators for estimable vectors

Artur Pereira, Miguel Fonseca, João Tiago Mexia (2015)

Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics


We study the algebraic structure of orthogonal models thus of mixed models whose variance covariance matrices are all positive semi definite, linear combinations of known pairwise orthogonal projection matrices, POOPM, and whose least square estimators, LSE, of estimable vectors are best linear unbiased estimator, BLUE, whatever the variance components, so they are uniformly BLUE, UBLUE. From the results of the algebraic structure we will get explicit expression for the LSE of these...

Joint estimation for normal orthogonal mixed models

Vera de Jesus, Sandra Saraiva Ferreira, João Tiago Mexia (2007)

Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics


Commutative Jordan algebras are used to express the structure of mixed orthogonal models and to derive complete sufficient statistics. From these statistics, UMVUE, (Uniformly Minimum Variance Unbiased Estimators), are derived for the relevant parameters, first of single models then of several such models. These models may correspond to experiments designed separately so our results may be seen as a contribution to this meta-analysis.

Pentadiagonal Companion Matrices

Brydon Eastman, Kevin N. Vander Meulen (2016)

Special Matrices


The class of sparse companion matrices was recently characterized in terms of unit Hessenberg matrices. We determine which sparse companion matrices have the lowest bandwidth, that is, we characterize which sparse companion matrices are permutationally similar to a pentadiagonal matrix and describe how to find the permutation involved. In the process, we determine which of the Fiedler companion matrices are permutationally similar to a pentadiagonal matrix. We also describe how to find...

Elementary triangular matrices and inverses of k-Hessenberg and triangular matrices

Luis Verde-Star (2015)

Special Matrices


We use elementary triangular matrices to obtain some factorization, multiplication, and inversion properties of triangular matrices. We also obtain explicit expressions for the inverses of strict k-Hessenberg matrices and banded matrices. Our results can be extended to the cases of block triangular and block Hessenberg matrices. An n × n lower triangular matrix is called elementary if it is of the form I + C, where I is the identity matrix and C is lower triangular and has all of its...

An Inferentially Many-Valued Two-Dimensional Notion of Entailment

Carolina Blasio, João Marcos, Heinrich Wansing (2017)

Bulletin of the Section of Logic


Starting from the notions of q-entailment and p-entailment, a two-dimensional notion of entailment is developed with respect to certain generalized q-matrices referred to as B-matrices. After showing that every purely monotonic singleconclusion consequence relation is characterized by a class of B-matrices with respect to q-entailment as well as with respect to p-entailment, it is observed that, as a result, every such consequence relation has an inferentially four-valued characterization....

Condition numbers of Hessenberg companion matrices

Michael Cox, Kevin N. Vander Meulen, Adam Van Tuyl, Joseph Voskamp (2024)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


The Fiedler matrices are a large class of companion matrices that include the well-known Frobenius companion matrix. The Fiedler matrices are part of a larger class of companion matrices that can be characterized by a Hessenberg form. We demonstrate that the Hessenberg form of the Fiedler companion matrices provides a straight-forward way to compare the condition numbers of these matrices. We also show that there are other companion matrices which can provide a much smaller condition...