Displaying similar documents to “Integral representations of unbounded operators by infinitely smooth kernels”

Properties of a new class of recursively defined Baskakov-type operators

Octavian Agratini (1998)

Archivum Mathematicum


By starting from a recent paper by Campiti and Metafune [7], we consider a generalization of the Baskakov operators, which is introduced by replacing the binomial coefficients with other coefficients defined recursively by means of two fixed sequences of real numbers. In this paper, we indicate some of their properties, including a decomposition into an expression which depends linearly on the fixed sequences and an estimation of the corresponding order of approximation, in terms of...

Modulation invariant and multilinear singular integral operators

Michael Christ (2005-2006)

Séminaire Bourbaki


In a series of papers beginning in the late 1990s, Michael Lacey and Christoph Thiele have resolved a longstanding conjecture of Calderón regarding certain very singular integral operators, given a transparent proof of Carleson’s theorem on the almost everywhere convergence of Fourier series, and initiated a slew of further developments. The hallmarks of these problems are multilinearity as opposed to mere linearity, and especially modulation symmetry. By modulation is meant multiplication...

Canonical commutation relations and interacting Fock spaces

Zied Ammari (2004)

Journées Équations aux dérivées partielles


We introduce by means of reproducing kernel theory and decomposition in orthogonal polynomials canonical correspondences between an interacting Fock space a reproducing kernel Hilbert space and a square integrable functions space w.r.t. a cylindrical measure. Using this correspondences we investigate the structure of the infinite dimensional canonical commutation relations. In particular we construct test functions spaces, distributions spaces and a quantization map which generalized...