Displaying similar documents to “Generators of existence varieties of regular rings and complemented Arguesian lattices”

Non-transitive generalizations of subdirect products of linearly ordered rings

Jiří Rachůnek, Dana Šalounová (2003)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


Weakly associative lattice rings (wal-rings) are non-transitive generalizations of lattice ordered rings (l-rings). As is known, the class of l-rings which are subdirect products of linearly ordered rings (i.e. the class of f-rings) plays an important role in the theory of l-rings. In the paper, the classes of wal-rings representable as subdirect products of to-rings and ao-rings (both being non-transitive generalizations of the class of f-rings) are characterized and the class of wal-rings...

A Survey of Rings Generated by Units

Ashish K. Srivastava (2010)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques


This article presents a brief survey of the work done on rings generated by their units.