Displaying similar documents to “Convex independence and the structure of clone-free multipartite tournaments”

A note on equality of functional envelopes

Martin Kružík (2003)

Mathematica Bohemica


We characterize generalized extreme points of compact convex sets. In particular, we show that if the polyconvex hull is convex in m × n , min ( m , n ) 2 , then it is constructed from polyconvex extreme points via sequential lamination. Further, we give theorems ensuring equality of the quasiconvex (polyconvex) and the rank-1 convex envelopes of a lower semicontinuous function without explicit convexity assumptions on the quasiconvex (polyconvex) envelope.

Co-rank and Betti number of a group

Irina Gelbukh (2015)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


For a finitely generated group, we study the relations between its rank, the maximal rank of its free quotient, called co-rank (inner rank, cut number), and the maximal rank of its free abelian quotient, called the Betti number. We show that any combination of the group's rank, co-rank, and Betti number within obvious constraints is realized for some finitely presented group (for Betti number equal to rank, the group can be chosen torsion-free). In addition, we show that the Betti number...

A complete characterization of invariant jointly rank- convex quadratic forms and applications to composite materials

Vincenzo Nesi, Enrico Rogora (2007)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations


The theory of compensated compactness of Murat and Tartar links the algebraic condition of rank- convexity with the analytic condition of weak lower semicontinuity. The former is an algebraic condition and therefore it is, in principle, very easy to use. However, in applications of this theory, the need for an efficient classification of rank- convex forms arises. In the present paper, we define the concept of extremal -forms  and characterize them in the rotationally invariant...