Displaying similar documents to “A note on strongly multiplicative graphs”

An upper bound for maximum number of edges in a strongly multiplicative graph

Chandrashekar Adiga, Mahadev Smitha (2006)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory


In this note we give an upper bound for λ(n), the maximum number of edges in a strongly multiplicative graph of order n, which is sharper than the upper bounds given by Beineke and Hegde [3] and Adiga, Ramaswamy and Somashekara [2], for n ≥ 28.

Strongly multiplicative graphs

L.W. Beineke, S.M. Hegde (2001)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory


A graph with p vertices is said to be strongly multiplicative if its vertices can be labelled 1,2,...,p so that the values on the edges, obtained as the product of the labels of their end vertices, are all distinct. In this paper, we study structural properties of strongly multiplicative graphs. We show that all graphs in some classes, including all trees, are strongly multiplicative, and consider the question of the maximum number of edges in a strongly multiplicative graph of a given...

Simplicial and nonsimplicial complete subgraphs

Terry A. McKee (2011)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory


Define a complete subgraph Q to be simplicial in a graph G when Q is contained in exactly one maximal complete subgraph ('maxclique') of G; otherwise, Q is nonsimplicial. Several graph classes-including strong p-Helly graphs and strongly chordal graphs-are shown to have pairs of peculiarly related new characterizations: (i) for every k ≤ 2, a certain property holds for the complete subgraphs that are in k or more maxcliques of G, and (ii) in every induced subgraph H of G, that...

The Existence Of P≥3-Factor Covered Graphs

Sizhong Zhou, Jiancheng Wu, Tao Zhang (2017)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory


A spanning subgraph F of a graph G is called a P≥3-factor of G if every component of F is a path of order at least 3. A graph G is called a P≥3-factor covered graph if G has a P≥3-factor including e for any e ∈ E(G). In this paper, we obtain three sufficient conditions for graphs to be P≥3-factor covered graphs. Furthermore, it is shown that the results are sharp.

Light Graphs In Planar Graphs Of Large Girth

Peter Hudák, Mária Maceková, Tomáš Madaras, Pavol Široczki (2016)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory


A graph H is defined to be light in a graph family 𝒢 if there exist finite numbers φ(H, 𝒢) and w(H, 𝒢) such that each G ∈ 𝒢 which contains H as a subgraph, also contains its isomorphic copy K with ΔG(K) ≤ φ(H, 𝒢) and ∑x∈V(K) degG(x) ≤ w(H, 𝒢). In this paper, we investigate light graphs in families of plane graphs of minimum degree 2 with prescribed girth and no adjacent 2-vertices, specifying several necessary conditions for their lightness and providing sharp bounds on φ and w...

The periphery graph of a median graph

Boštjan Brešar, Manoj Changat, Ajitha R. Subhamathi, Aleksandra Tepeh (2010)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory


The periphery graph of a median graph is the intersection graph of its peripheral subgraphs. We show that every graph without a universal vertex can be realized as the periphery graph of a median graph. We characterize those median graphs whose periphery graph is the join of two graphs and show that they are precisely Cartesian products of median graphs. Path-like median graphs are introduced as the graphs whose periphery graph has independence number 2, and it is proved that there are...

A Note on Total Graphs

S.F. Forouhandeh, N. Jafari Rad, B.H. Vaqari Motlagh, H.P. Patil, R. Pandiya Raj (2015)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory


Erratum Identification and corrections of the existing mistakes in the paper On the total graph of Mycielski graphs, central graphs and their covering numbers, Discuss. Math. Graph Theory 33 (2013) 361-371.

α-Labelings of a Class of Generalized Petersen Graphs

Anna Benini, Anita Pasotti (2015)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory


An α-labeling of a bipartite graph Γ of size e is an injective function f : V (Γ) → {0, 1, 2, . . . , e} such that {|ƒ(x) − ƒ(y)| : [x, y] ∈ E(Γ)} = {1, 2, . . . , e} and with the property that its maximum value on one of the two bipartite sets does not reach its minimum on the other one. We prove that the generalized Petersen graph PSn,3 admits an α-labeling for any integer n ≥ 1 confirming that the conjecture posed by Vietri in [10] is true. In such a way we obtain an infinite class...

Lower bounds for integral functionals generated by bipartite graphs

Barbara Kaskosz, Lubos Thoma (2019)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


We study lower estimates for integral fuctionals for which the structure of the integrand is defined by a graph, in particular, by a bipartite graph. Functionals of such kind appear in statistical mechanics and quantum chemistry in the context of Mayer's transformation and Mayer's cluster integrals. Integral functionals generated by graphs play an important role in the theory of graph limits. Specific kind of functionals generated by bipartite graphs are at the center of the famous and...

Note on enumeration of labeled split graphs

Vladislav Bína, Jiří Přibil (2015)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


The paper brings explicit formula for enumeration of vertex-labeled split graphs with given number of vertices. The authors derive this formula combinatorially using an auxiliary assertion concerning number of split graphs with given clique number. In conclusion authors discuss enumeration of vertex-labeled bipartite graphs, i.e., a graphical class defined in a similar manner to the class of split graphs.