Displaying similar documents to “Generalized Fractional Total Colorings of Graphs”

Generalized Fractional and Circular Total Colorings of Graphs

Arnfried Kemnitz, Massimiliano Marangio, Peter Mihók, Janka Oravcová, Roman Soták (2015)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory


Let P and Q be additive and hereditary graph properties, r, s ∈ N, r ≥ s, and [ℤr]s be the set of all s-element subsets of ℤr. An (r, s)-fractional (P,Q)-total coloring of G is an assignment h : V (G) ∪ E(G) → [ℤr]s such that for each i ∈ ℤr the following holds: the vertices of G whose color sets contain color i induce a subgraph of G with property P, edges with color sets containing color i induce a subgraph of G with property Q, and the color sets of incident vertices and edges are...

Generalized Fractional Total Colorings of Complete Graph

Gabriela Karafová (2013)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory


An additive and hereditary property of graphs is a class of simple graphs which is closed under unions, subgraphs and isomorphism. Let P and Q be two additive and hereditary graph properties and let r, s be integers such that r ≥ s Then an [...] fractional (P,Q)-total coloring of a finite graph G = (V,E) is a mapping f, which assigns an s-element subset of the set {1, 2, . . . , r} to each vertex and each edge, moreover, for any color i all vertices of color i induce a subgraph of property...

Fractional (P,Q)-Total List Colorings of Graphs

Arnfried Kemnitz, Peter Mihók, Margit Voigt (2013)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory


Let r, s ∈ N, r ≥ s, and P and Q be two additive and hereditary graph properties. A (P,Q)-total (r, s)-coloring of a graph G = (V,E) is a coloring of the vertices and edges of G by s-element subsets of Zr such that for each color i, 0 ≤ i ≤ r − 1, the vertices colored by subsets containing i induce a subgraph of G with property P, the edges colored by subsets containing i induce a subgraph of G with property Q, and color sets of incident vertices and edges are disjoint. The fractional...

Fractional Q-Edge-Coloring of Graphs

Július Czap, Peter Mihók (2013)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory


An additive hereditary property of graphs is a class of simple graphs which is closed under unions, subgraphs and isomorphism. Let [...] be an additive hereditary property of graphs. A [...] -edge-coloring of a simple graph is an edge coloring in which the edges colored with the same color induce a subgraph of property [...] . In this paper we present some results on fractional [...] -edge-colorings. We determine the fractional [...] -edge chromatic number for matroidal properties of...

The non-crossing graph.

Linial, Nathan, Saks, Michael, Statter, David (2006)

The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics [electronic only]


A Note on Neighbor Expanded Sum Distinguishing Index

Evelyne Flandrin, Hao Li, Antoni Marczyk, Jean-François Saclé, Mariusz Woźniak (2017)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory


A total k-coloring of a graph G is a coloring of vertices and edges of G using colors of the set [k] = {1, . . . , k}. These colors can be used to distinguish the vertices of G. There are many possibilities of such a distinction. In this paper, we consider the sum of colors on incident edges and adjacent vertices.

A Tight Bound on the Set Chromatic Number

Jean-Sébastien Sereni, Zelealem B. Yilma (2013)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory


We provide a tight bound on the set chromatic number of a graph in terms of its chromatic number. Namely, for all graphs G, we show that χs(G) > ⌈log2 χ(G)⌉ + 1, where χs(G) and χ(G) are the set chromatic number and the chromatic number of G, respectively. This answers in the affirmative a conjecture of Gera, Okamoto, Rasmussen and Zhang.

Coloring subgraphs with restricted amounts of hues

Wayne Goddard, Robert Melville (2017)

Open Mathematics


We consider vertex colorings where the number of colors given to specified subgraphs is restricted. In particular, given some fixed graph F and some fixed set A of positive integers, we consider (not necessarily proper) colorings of the vertices of a graph G such that, for every copy of F in G, the number of colors it receives is in A. This generalizes proper colorings, defective coloring, and no-rainbow coloring, inter alia. In this paper we focus on the case that A is a singleton set....

Vertex Colorings without Rainbow Subgraphs

Wayne Goddard, Honghai Xu (2016)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory


Given a coloring of the vertices of a graph G, we say a subgraph is rainbow if its vertices receive distinct colors. For a graph F, we define the F-upper chromatic number of G as the maximum number of colors that can be used to color the vertices of G such that there is no rainbow copy of F. We present some results on this parameter for certain graph classes. The focus is on the case that F is a star or triangle. For example, we show that the K3-upper chromatic number of any maximal...

The list Distinguishing Number Equals the Distinguishing Number for Interval Graphs

Poppy Immel, Paul S. Wenger (2017)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory


A distinguishing coloring of a graph G is a coloring of the vertices so that every nontrivial automorphism of G maps some vertex to a vertex with a different color. The distinguishing number of G is the minimum k such that G has a distinguishing coloring where each vertex is assigned a color from {1, . . . , k}. A list assignment to G is an assignment L = {L(v)}v∈V (G) of lists of colors to the vertices of G. A distinguishing L-coloring of G is a distinguishing coloring of G where the...

Rainbow H -factors.

Yuster, Raphael (2006)

The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics [electronic only]


The set chromatic number of a graph

Gary Chartrand, Futaba Okamoto, Craig W. Rasmussen, Ping Zhang (2009)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory


For a nontrivial connected graph G, let c: V(G)→ N be a vertex coloring of G where adjacent vertices may be colored the same. For a vertex v of G, the neighborhood color set NC(v) is the set of colors of the neighbors of v. The coloring c is called a set coloring if NC(u) ≠ NC(v) for every pair u,v of adjacent vertices of G. The minimum number of colors required of such a coloring is called the set chromatic number χₛ(G) of G. The set chromatic numbers of some well-known classes of graphs...

Adjacent vertex distinguishing edge-colorings of planar graphs with girth at least six

Yuehua Bu, Ko-Wei Lih, Weifan Wang (2011)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory


An adjacent vertex distinguishing edge-coloring of a graph G is a proper edge-coloring o G such that any pair of adjacent vertices are incident to distinct sets of colors. The minimum number of colors required for an adjacent vertex distinguishing edge-coloring of G is denoted by χ'ₐ(G). We prove that χ'ₐ(G) is at most the maximum degree plus 2 if G is a planar graph without isolated edges whose girth is at least 6. This gives new evidence to a conjecture proposed in [Z. Zhang, L. Liu,...