Displaying similar documents to “Universality for conformally invariant intersection exponents”

Revisiting the sample path of Brownian motion

S. James Taylor (2006)

Banach Center Publications


Brownian motion is the most studied of all stochastic processes; it is also the basis for stochastic analysis developed in the second half of the 20th century. The fine properties of the sample path of a Brownian motion have been carefully studied, starting with the fundamental work of Paul Lévy who also considered more general processes with independent increments and extended the Brownian motion results to this class. Lévy showed that a Brownian path in d (d ≥ 2) dimensions had zero...

Convergence to the brownian Web for a generalization of the drainage network model

Cristian Coletti, Glauco Valle (2014)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques


We introduce a system of one-dimensional coalescing nonsimple random walks with long range jumps allowing paths that can cross each other and are dependent even before coalescence. We show that under diffusive scaling this system converges in distribution to the Brownian Web.