Displaying similar documents to “The Erdős and Halberstam theorems for Drinfeld modules of any rank (with an appendix by Hugh Thomas)”

Rank of Submodule, Linear Transformations and Linearly Independent Subsets of Z-module

Kazuhisa Nakasho, Yuichi Futa, Hiroyuki Okazaki, Yasunari Shidama (2014)

Formalized Mathematics


In this article, we formalize some basic facts of Z-module. In the first section, we discuss the rank of submodule of Z-module and its properties. Especially, we formally prove that the rank of any Z-module is equal to or more than that of its submodules, and vice versa, and that there exists a submodule with any given rank that satisfies the above condition. In the next section, we mention basic facts of linear transformations between two Z-modules. In this section, we define homomorphism...