Displaying similar documents to “A dynamical Shafarevich theorem for twists of rational morphisms”

Iteration of rational transductions

Alain Terlutte, David Simplot (2010)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications


The purpose of this paper is to show connections between iterated length-preserving rational transductions and linear space computations. Hence, we study the smallest family of transductions containing length-preserving rational transductions and closed under union, composition and iteration. We give several characterizations of this class using restricted classes of length-preserving rational transductions, by showing the connections with "context-sensitive transductions" and transductions...

Rational semimodules over the max-plus semiring and geometric approach to discrete event systems

Stéphane Gaubert, Ricardo Katz (2004)



We introduce rational semimodules over semirings whose addition is idempotent, like the max-plus semiring, in order to extend the geometric approach of linear control to discrete event systems. We say that a subsemimodule of the free semimodule 𝒮 n over a semiring 𝒮 is rational if it has a generating family that is a rational subset of 𝒮 n , 𝒮 n being thought of as a monoid under the entrywise product. We show that for various semirings of max-plus type whose elements are integers, rational...