Displaying similar documents to “Separately superharmonic functions in product networks”

Neural networks as a tool for georadar data processing

Piotr Szymczyk, Sylwia Tomecka-Suchoń, Magdalena Szymczyk (2015)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science


In this article a new neural network based method for automatic classification of ground penetrating radar (GPR) traces is proposed. The presented approach is based on a new representation of GPR signals by polynomials approximation. The coefficients of the polynomial (the feature vector) are neural network inputs for automatic classification of a special kind of geologic structure-a sinkhole. The analysis and results show that the classifier can effectively distinguish sinkholes from...

Local stability conditions for discrete-time cascade locally recurrent neural networks

Krzysztof Patan (2010)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science


The paper deals with a specific kind of discrete-time recurrent neural network designed with dynamic neuron models. Dynamics are reproduced within each single neuron, hence the network considered is a locally recurrent globally feedforward. A crucial problem with neural networks of the dynamic type is stability as well as stabilization in learning problems. The paper formulates local stability conditions for the analysed class of neural networks using Lyapunov's first method. Moreover,...

Using R to Build and Assess Network Models in Biology

G. Hartvigsen (2011)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena


In this paper we build and analyze networks using the statistical and programming environment R and the igraph package. We investigate random, small-world, and scale-free networks and test a standard problem of connectivity on a random graph. We then develop a method to study how vaccination can alter the structure of a disease transmission network. We also discuss a variety of other uses for networks in biology.

Reinforced walk on graphs and neural networks

Józef Myjak, Ryszard Rudnicki (2008)

Studia Mathematica


A directed-edge-reinforced random walk on graphs is considered. Criteria for the walk to end up in a limit cycle are given. Asymptotic stability of some neural networks is shown.

About the maximum information and maximum likelihood principles

Igor Vajda, Jiří Grim (1998)



Neural networks with radial basis functions are considered, and the Shannon information in their output concerning input. The role of information- preserving input transformations is discussed when the network is specified by the maximum information principle and by the maximum likelihood principle. A transformation is found which simplifies the input structure in the sense that it minimizes the entropy in the class of all information-preserving transformations. Such transformation need...

Noise Shaping in Neural Populations with Global Delayed Feedback

O. Ávila Åkerberg, M. J. Chacron (2010)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena


The interplay between intrinsic and network dynamics has been the focus of many investigations. Here we use a combination of theoretical and numerical approaches to study the effects of delayed global feedback on the information transmission properties of neural networks. Specifically, we compare networks of neurons that display intrinsic interspike interval correlations (nonrenewal) to networks that do not (renewal). We find that excitatory...