On the algebraic structure on the jet prolongations of fibred manifolds
Ivan Kolář, Marco Modugno (1990)
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
Ivan Kolář, Marco Modugno (1990)
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
Charles-Michel Marle (2007)
Banach Center Publications
Around 1923, Élie Cartan introduced affine connections on manifolds and defined the main related concepts: torsion, curvature, holonomy groups. He discussed applications of these concepts in Classical and Relativistic Mechanics; in particular he explained how parallel transport with respect to a connection can be related to the principle of inertia in Galilean Mechanics and, more generally, can be used to model the motion of a particle in a gravitational field. In subsequent papers,...
L. Mangiarotti, Marco Modugno (1983)
Annales de la Faculté des sciences de Toulouse : Mathématiques
Marco Modugno (1989)
Časopis pro pěstování matematiky
Marco Modugno, Rodolfo Ragionieri, Gianna Stefani (1981)
Annales de l'I.H.P. Physique théorique
Efstathios Vassiliou (1981)
Colloquium Mathematicae
David Blázquez-Sanz (2009)
Colloquium Mathematicae
Weil algebra morphisms induce natural transformations between Weil bundles. In some well known cases, a natural transformation is endowed with a canonical structure of affine bundle. We show that this structure arises only when the Weil algebra morphism is surjective and its kernel has null square. Moreover, in some cases, this structure of affine bundle passes to jet spaces. We give a characterization of this fact in algebraic terms. This algebraic condition also determines an affine...
R.V. Gurjahr (1980)
Inventiones mathematicae