Displaying similar documents to “Linear extensions of orders invariant under abelian group actions”

On a universality property of some abelian Polish groups

Su Gao, Vladimir Pestov (2003)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


We show that every abelian Polish group is the topological factor group of a closed subgroup of the full unitary group of a separable Hilbert space with the strong operator topology. It follows that all orbit equivalence relations induced by abelian Polish group actions are Borel reducible to some orbit equivalence relations induced by actions of the unitary group.

Inverse property of nonassociative abelian extensions

Ágota Figula, Péter T. Nagy (2020)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


Our paper deals with the investigation of extensions of commutative groups by loops so that the quasigroups that result in the multiplication between cosets of the kernel subgroup are T-quasigroups. We limit our study to extensions in which the quasigroups determining the multiplication are linear functions without constant term, called linear abelian extensions. We characterize constructively such extensions with left-, right-, or inverse properties using a general construction according...

Sum-dominant sets and restricted-sum-dominant sets in finite abelian groups

David B. Penman, Matthew D. Wells (2014)

Acta Arithmetica


We call a subset A of an abelian group G sum-dominant when |A+A| > |A-A|. If |A⨣A| > |A-A|, where A⨣A comprises the sums of distinct elements of A, we say A is restricted-sum-dominant. In this paper we classify the finite abelian groups according to whether or not they contain sum-dominant sets (respectively restricted-sum-dominant sets). We also consider how much larger the sumset can be than the difference set in this context. Finally, generalising work of Zhao, we provide asymptotic...

On abelian versions of critical factorization theorem

Sergey Avgustinovich, Juhani Karhumäki, Svetlana Puzynina (2012)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications


In the paper we study abelian versions of the critical factorization theorem. We investigate both similarities and differences between the abelian powers and the usual powers. The results we obtained show that the constraints for abelian powers implying periodicity should be quite strong, but still natural analogies exist.