Displaying similar documents to “Generalized Calderón conditions and regular orbit spaces”

Continuous wavelet transform on semisimple Lie groups and inversion of the Abel transform and its dual.

K. Trimèche (1996)

Collectanea Mathematica


In this work we define and study wavelets and continuous wavelet transform on semisimple Lie groups G of real rank l. We prove for this transform Plancherel and inversion formulas. Next using the Abel transform A on G and its dual A*, we give relations between the continuous wavelet transform on G and the classical continuous wavelet transform on Rl, and we deduce the formulas which give the inverse operators of the operators A and A*.

Quasi-orbit spaces associated to T₀-spaces

C. Bonatti, H. Hattab, E. Salhi (2011)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


Let G ⊂ Homeo(E) be a group of homeomorphisms of a topological space E. The class of an orbit O of G is the union of all orbits having the same closure as O. Let E/G̃ be the space of classes of orbits, called the quasi-orbit space. We show that every second countable T₀-space Y is a quasi-orbit space E/G̃, where E is a second countable metric space. The regular part X₀ of a T₀-space X is the union of open subsets homeomorphic to ℝ or to 𝕊¹. We give a characterization of the spaces X...

Wavelet transform for functions with values in UMD spaces

Cornelia Kaiser, Lutz Weis (2008)

Studia Mathematica


We extend the classical theory of the continuous and discrete wavelet transform to functions with values in UMD spaces. As a by-product we obtain equivalent norms on Bochner spaces in terms of g-functions.

Wavelet techniques for pointwise regularity

Stéphane Jaffard (2006)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques


Let E be a Banach (or quasi-Banach) space which is shift and scaling invariant (typically a homogeneous Besov or Sobolev space). We introduce a general definition of pointwise regularity associated with E , and denoted by C E α ( x 0 ) . We show how properties of E are transferred into properties of C E α ( x 0 ) . Applications are given in multifractal analysis.