Toeplitz operators for hypodirichlet algebras
J. Janas (1980)
Annales Polonici Mathematici
J. Janas (1980)
Annales Polonici Mathematici
Shuang Zhang (1998)
Mathematica Scandinavica
Young Joo Lee (2023)
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
A Coburn theorem says that a nonzero Toeplitz operator on the Hardy space is one-to-one or its adjoint operator is one-to-one. We study the corresponding problem for certain Toeplitz operators on the Bergman space.
Marek Ptak (2007)
Banach Center Publications
A review of recent reflexivity and hyperreflexivity results is presented. We concentrate particularly on a finite-dimensional situation, Toeplitz operators and partial isometries. Open problems in this area are given.
G.J. Murphy (1991)
Mathematische Zeitschrift
Karim Seddiohi (1989)
Studia Mathematica
Marek Ptak (2005)
Annales Polonici Mathematici
Projections onto the spaces of all Toeplitz operators on the N-torus and the unit sphere are constructed. The constructions are also extended to generalized Toeplitz operators and applied to show hyperreflexivity results.
Ptak Marek
CONTENTS1. Introduction...................................................................................................52. N-tuples of linear transformations in finite-dimensional space......................83. Toeplitz operators on the polydisc and the unit ball....................................184. Subspaces of weighted shifts.....................................................................235. Joint spectra for N-tuples of operators........................................................276....
Young Joo Lee (2015)
Studia Mathematica
On the Hardy space of the unit disk, we consider operators which are finite sums of products of a Toeplitz operator and a Hankel operator. We then give characterizations for such operators to be zero. Our results extend several known results using completely different arguments.
Deaconu, Valentin (2007)
The New York Journal of Mathematics [electronic only]
Young Joo Lee (2004)
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
We prove that two Toeplitz operators acting on the pluriharmonic Bergman space with radial symbol and pluriharmonic symbol respectively commute only in an obvious case.
Albrecht Böttcher (1990)
Monatshefte für Mathematik
Sherwin Kouchekian, James E. Thomson (2007)
Studia Mathematica
We prove that the self-commutator of a Toeplitz operator with unbounded analytic rational symbol has a dense domain in both the Bergman space and the Hardy space of the unit disc. This is a basic step towards establishing whether the self-commutator has a compact or trace-class extension.
Rost, Markus (1996)
Documenta Mathematica