Displaying similar documents to “On the sumset of the primes and a linear recurrence”

Nonaliquots and Robbins numbers

William D. Banks, Florian Luca (2005)

Colloquium Mathematicae


Let φ(·) and σ(·) denote the Euler function and the sum of divisors function, respectively. We give a lower bound for the number of m ≤ x for which the equation m = σ(n) - n has no solution. We also show that the set of positive integers m not of the form (p-1)/2 - φ(p-1) for some prime number p has a positive lower asymptotic density.

Prime divisors of linear recurrences and Artin's primitive root conjecture for number fields

Hans Roskam (2001)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux


Let S be a linear integer recurrent sequence of order k 3 , and define P S as the set of primes that divide at least one term of S . We give a heuristic approach to the problem whether P S has a natural density, and prove that part of our heuristics is correct. Under the assumption of a generalization of Artin’s primitive root conjecture, we find that P S has positive lower density for “generic” sequences S . Some numerical examples are included.

On some problems of Mąkowski-Schinzel and Erdős concerning the arithmetical functions ϕ and σ

Florian Luca, Carl Pomerance (2002)

Colloquium Mathematicae


Let σ(n) denote the sum of positive divisors of the integer n, and let ϕ denote Euler's function, that is, ϕ(n) is the number of integers in the interval [1,n] that are relatively prime to n. It has been conjectured by Mąkowski and Schinzel that σ(ϕ(n))/n ≥ 1/2 for all n. We show that σ(ϕ(n))/n → ∞ on a set of numbers n of asymptotic density 1. In addition, we study the average order of σ(ϕ(n))/n as well as its range. We use similar methods to prove a conjecture of Erdős that ϕ(n-ϕ(n))...