Displaying similar documents to “On linear versus nonlinear flow rules in strain localization analysis”

On linear versus nonlinear flow rules in strain localization analysis

Giorgio Borré, Giulio Maier (1988)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni


This note contains some remarks on the analysis of bifurcation phenomena, specifically strain localization (onset of a strain rate discontinuity), in small-deformation elastoplasticity. Nonassociative flow rules are allowed for to cover constitutive models frequently adopted for frictional (and softening) materials such as concrete. The conventional derivation of the localization criterion resting on an incrementally linear "comparison material" is critically reviewed and compared to...

Existence results for the flow of viscoelastic fluids of White-Metzner type.

A. Hakim (1994)

Extracta Mathematicae


This work is concerned with the study of the flow of an incompressible viscoelastic fluid of White-Metzner type. These models lead to systems of partial differential equations that are evolutionary, are globally well posed. The objective of this article is to prove the local and global existence of solutions of these systems.

A Reduced Model for Flame-Flow Interaction

P. Gordon, M. Frankel, G. Sivashinsky (2010)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena


The paper is concerned with an extension of the classical relation between the flame speed and the curvature-flow stretch, valid only for high Lewis numbers (diffusively stable flames). At low Lewis numbers the corresponding flame-flow system suffers short-wavelength instability, making the associated initial value problem ill-posed. In this study the difficulty is resolved by incorporation of higher-order effects. As a result one ends up with a reduced model based on a coupled system...

Algebraic preconditioning for Biot-Barenblatt poroelastic systems

Radim Blaheta, Tomáš Luber (2017)

Applications of Mathematics


Poroelastic systems describe fluid flow through porous medium coupled with deformation of the porous matrix. In this paper, the deformation is described by linear elasticity, the fluid flow is modelled as Darcy flow. The main focus is on the Biot-Barenblatt model with double porosity/double permeability flow, which distinguishes flow in two regions considered as continua. The main goal is in proposing block diagonal preconditionings to systems arising from the discretization of the Biot-Barenblatt...

1D dynamics of a second-grade viscous fluid in a constricted tube

Fernando Carapau, Adélia Sequeira (2008)

Banach Center Publications


Using a one-dimensional hierarchical model based on the Cosserat theory approach to fluid dynamics we can reduce the full 3D system of equations for the axisymmetric unsteady motion of a non-Newtonian incompressible second-grade viscous fluid to a system of equations depending on time and on a single spatial variable. From this new system we obtain the steady relationship between average pressure gradient and volume flow rate over a finite section of a straight constricted tube, and...

Evolution equations for dunes and .

Andrew C. Fowler (2002)



Las dunas (del desierto o en los ríos) son montículos de arena formados por la acción erosiva del viento (o del agua) sobre el substrato móvil subyacente. Los drumlins son pequeñas colinas que se forman de manera parecida por la acción erosiva de los casquetes polares en los sedimentos móviles de la base, particularmente durante las eras glaciales. Estas formaciones son causadas por una inestabilidad en el sistema acoplado que relaciona la evolución del lecho con las fuerzas de cizalla...

Dense Granular Poiseuille Flow

E. Khain (2011)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena


We consider a dense granular shear flow in a two-dimensional system. Granular systems (composed of a large number of macroscopic particles) are far from equilibrium due to inelastic collisions between particles: an external driving is needed to maintain the motion of particles. Theoretical description of driven granular media is especially challenging for dense granular flows. This paper focuses on a gravity-driven dense granular Poiseuille...