CR structures and Fefferman's conformal structures.
Masatake Kuranishi (1997)
Forum mathematicum
Masatake Kuranishi (1997)
Forum mathematicum
Burstall, Francis E., Calderbank, David M. J.
Hiroshi Haruki (1980)
Annales Polonici Mathematici
Andreas Čap, Vladimir Matveev, Karin Melnick, Galliano Valent (2012)
Open Mathematics
Andreas Čap, Karin Melnick (2013)
Open Mathematics
We use the general theory developed in our article [Čap A., Melnick K., Essential Killing fields of parabolic geometries, Indiana Univ. Math. J. (in press)], in the setting of parabolic geometries to reprove known results on special infinitesimal automorphisms of projective and conformal geometries.
Henrik Karstoft (1992)
Mathematica Scandinavica
Jesse Alt (2012)
Open Mathematics
For (M, [g]) a conformal manifold of signature (p, q) and dimension at least three, the conformal holonomy group Hol(M, [g]) ⊂ O(p + 1, q + 1) is an invariant induced by the canonical Cartan geometry of (M, [g]). We give a description of all possible connected conformal holonomy groups which act transitively on the Möbius sphere S p,q, the homogeneous model space for conformal structures of signature (p, q). The main part of this description is a list of all such groups which also act...
Branson, Thomas
The paper represents the lectures given by the author at the 16th Winter School on Geometry and Physics, Srni, Czech Republic, January 13-20, 1996. He develops in an elegant manner the theory of conformal covariants and the theory of functional determinant which is canonically associated to an elliptic operator on a compact pseudo-Riemannian manifold. The presentation is excellently realized with a lot of details, examples and open problems.